Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's Next? Facebook?

Hi Friends.

Happy New Year to You and Yours! For me, 2009 promises to be the year
of Networking Via Web 2.0. Maybe for you as well? The journey began
for me in January of 2008 with the introduction of Traffic Era.

Traffic Era is the first Traffic Exchange to introduce people to Social Networking
Via Groups, Chat while Surfing, and open Internal Communication from member
to member. Nice start, but this is a program which has a limited membership.
Traffic Exchanges are nice, but lets face it, many people in the world still don't
know what one even is.

Next, a friend showed me LinkedIn which is a Social Network of Professionals.
Ok, horizons have broadened! Very good, but what about finding
people outside of professional circles? Do we think that people may be interested
in your program, product, or service that never actually joined a program, used a product, or a service? But, alas, maybe they've thought about it.....or, are a person who may be interested if exposed to it.

So, to solve the problem, I would like to add the final piece of the puzzle........Facebook! Imagine 144 Million Users in all ways, shapes, forms, etc. All I can say is check it out. I found old High School, College,
and Business Associates. Facebook can scan your email accounts, messenger
accounts, etc. and send friend add requests to anyone found who uses facebook.
So now, with our horizons broadened.......go network to the world. Don't be shy
to add new friends, and make friends of friends. After all, isn't that what networking
is all about?

Rob Gehring

1 comment:

Betty said...

Great Blog and well written Rob

    follow me on Twitter